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Philippines Typhoon Relief Fundraiser is a Success!

November 23, 2013 by Website Admin

Amidst all of the devastation and suffering of the Filipino people, our Student Council organized a bake sale to help typhoon relief efforts. On Friday, November 22, 2013, ten caring students walked through the doors of Sacred Heart Elementary School with their hands filled with baked goods.  As they prepared to set-up for their event, the recess bell rang, and the primary level kids came running out of their classrooms with a dollar in hand. 

The excitement was palpable.  Student Council had brought home-baked goods – cupcakes, cookies, cakes, and milk to sell that morning.  The line of hungry kids was overwhelming, but thanks to the help of one parent, Student Council was able to see the event through successfully.  Almost too successfully for when Junior High students came out for their break, most of the baked goods had sold out!  Fortunately, Junior High students bought the rest of the goods, and some even donated an extra an extra dollar. 

At final count, the fundraising effort netted $232.94!  The following Monday the check was dropped off at the Red Cross Association in Pasadena.  Thanks to the caring efforts of Sacred Heart students, the Philippines is now $232.92 closer to a successful relief.


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